Essential Information of Teachers Lalith Nagar

Property Type Plots
Project Location Chengalpet, Chennai
Unit Sizes 1313 - 7987 Sq.Ft
Price Range 19.69 L - 1.19 Cr (Base Price) *
Rate per Sqft 1,500
Total Land Area Not Mentioned
No. of Units 250

About Teachers Lalith Nagar

Check out the property details of this Teachers Lalith Nagar. This is a plot-type property developed in Chennai’s Chengalpet region. Coming on to the units, they are of the size range 1313 sq.ft. to 7987 sq.ft. Altogether, there are 250 units that make it a giant community to raise your desired structures. This being located in Chengalpet, there is no denial to the fact that you will have quickest access through roadways and railways. And affordability stands atop as one among the top reasons to buy your units here.

Teachers Lalith Nagar Address

Address: Chengalpet, chennai, Tamil Nadu 603001, India.

Amenities of Teachers Lalith Nagar

  • Black Top Road
  • Gated community
  • Avenue trees

Teachers Lalith Nagar Floor plan

Property Type
Size in Sq.Ft
1313 Sq.Ft
19.69 L*
1500 Sq.Ft
22.50 L*
1800 Sq.Ft
27 L*
1901 Sq.Ft
28.51 L*
2400 Sq.Ft
36 L*
3200 Sq.Ft
48 L*
4470 Sq.Ft
67.05 L*
7987 Sq.Ft
1.19 Cr*

Explore Teachers Lalith Nagar in Map

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EMI Calculator
0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200
5 7.5 10 12.5 15 17.5 20 22.5
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
  • Cost of Plot

    19 L

  • Loan Amount

    9.5 L

  • Monthly EMI

  • Total Interest Payable

  • Total Amount Payable

    Principal + Interest

FAQs About Teachers Lalith Nagar Chengalpet

Where is Teachers Lalith Nagar located?

Teachers Lalith Nagar is located in Chengalpet, Chennai

What are the unit sizes available in Teachers Lalith Nagar?

Unit sizes of the Teachers Lalith Nagar ranges from 1313 - 7987 Sq.Ft .

What is the price range of Teachers Lalith Nagar in Chengalpet, Chennai?

The price of Teachers Lalith Nagar ranges between 19.69 L - 1.19 Cr *.

How many units are available in Teachers Lalith Nagar?

There are about 250 units in this project.

What is the total area of Teachers Lalith Nagar?

Teachers Lalith Nagar Built across 0 Sq.Ft of land.

Ongoing Projects Near Teachers Lalith Nagar
Other Projects by Nahar Foundations Pvt Ltd