Things to consider while selling properties in Chennai

Things to consider while selling properties in Chennai

Selling a property in Chennai, a city known for its vibrant real estate market, requires careful planning and strategic decision-making. Whether you’re an experienced property owner or selling for the first time, this guide is designed to simplify the process for you:

Property Summary:

A Property Summary is a detailed profile of your property. It should include the following aspects:

Type of Accommodation: This refers to the kind of property you’re selling, such as an apartment, a villa, a standalone house, or any other type of residential property. The type of accommodation can significantly influence the property’s appeal to different buyer demographics.

Built-up Area: This is the total area covered by the construction on the plot, including the carpet area, wall area, and common area. The built-up area gives the buyer an idea of the actual space they will have access to.

Age of the Property: The age of the property can affect its value. Older properties might need more maintenance, but they could also have architectural or historical value.

Water and Electricity Supply: Information about the reliability and quality of the water and electricity supply can be a crucial factor for potential buyers.

Plot Area: This is the total area of the land on which the property is built. Specifying the plot area is important as it can influence the potential for future expansions or renovations.

Ownership Title: The ownership title should clearly state whether you are the sole owner of the property or if it’s jointly owned. Any disputes or issues with the ownership title can complicate the selling process.

Exact Location: The exact location of the property, including its proximity to key places like schools, colleges, airports, railway stations, bus stands, hospitals, and markets, can significantly impact its value. Buyers often consider the convenience of the location and its connectivity to essential services.

House Tax Structure: Information about the property tax, including how much it is and when it’s due, can help potential buyers understand the ongoing costs associated with owning the property.

It’s significant to note that a comprehensive property summary not only provides potential buyers with essential information about the property, but also helps them visualize living there. It’s worth spending time to create a detailed and accurate property summary, as it can influence a buyer’s decision and the final selling price.

Correct Pricing:

Setting the right price for your property is a critical step in the selling process. It requires a deep understanding of the real estate market, a thorough analysis of similar properties, and a strategic approach to negotiation. Here are some key considerations to keep in mind:

Understanding Market Dynamics: The real estate market is influenced by numerous factors, including economic conditions, interest rates, and local supply and demand. It’s important to understand these dynamics when pricing your property. For instance, in a seller’s market where demand exceeds supply, you might be able to price your property higher. Conversely, in a buyer’s market where supply exceeds demand, you might need to price your property more competitively to attract buyers.

Researching Comparable Properties: One of the most effective ways to price your property is to look at the sale prices of comparable properties in your area. These “comps” should be similar in size, condition, and location. Real estate websites and local property records are good sources of this information.

Avoiding Overpricing: Overpricing your property can deter potential buyers and cause your property to sit on the market for a long time. Even if you eventually lower the price, buyers might wonder why the property hasn’t sold, which could discourage them from making an offer.

Being Open to Negotiation: It’s important to set a price that leaves some room for negotiation. Most buyers will expect to negotiate the price, so if you set your initial price slightly higher than what you expect to get, you’ll have some wiggle room to negotiate.

A well-thought-out pricing strategy can make a significant difference in achieving this goal.


Advertising your property effectively is a crucial step in the selling process. It’s not just about making your property visible to potential buyers, but also about presenting it in the most appealing way. Here are some strategies to consider:

Leverage Online Platforms: In today’s digital world, online platforms have become a primary source for potential buyers to search for properties. Listing your property on popular real estate platforms like can significantly increase its visibility and reach a wider audience.

Detailed Description: Providing a detailed and accurate description of your property is crucial. Highlight all the key features of your property, including the number of rooms, type of property, available amenities, age of the property, recent renovations, and more. Also, include information about the neighborhood, proximity to essential services, and any unique features that set your property apart.

High-Quality Photos: Visual representation plays a significant role in advertising your property. High-quality photos can create a strong first impression and attract potential buyers. Ensure the photos cover all areas of the property and highlight its best features. If possible, consider hiring a professional photographer for the best results.

Timing: The timing of your listing can impact its visibility and the number of inquiries you receive. The real estate market typically sees more activity during certain times of the year. Understanding these trends can help you choose the best time to advertise your property.

Effective advertising requires a well-planned strategy. It’s not just about listing the property, but also about making it appealing to potential buyers. The more effort you put into presenting your property in the best light, the higher the chances of attracting the right buyer and getting the best price.


Proper documentation is a critical aspect of selling a property. It not only establishes the legitimacy of the property and the sale but also builds trust with potential buyers. Here are some key documents and considerations:

Title Deed: This legal document signifies your ownership of the property. It contains crucial details about the property, such as its description, location, and the name of the owner. Before selling, ensure that the title deed is in your name and is free from any disputes or encumbrances.

Sale Deed: This legal document acts as proof of the transfer of ownership from the seller to the buyer. It must be registered and contain details of the property, the agreed-upon price, and the names of the parties involved.

Encumbrance Certificate: This document certifies that the property is free from any legal or monetary liabilities, such as a mortgage or an outstanding loan. This certificate is crucial as it assures the buyer that the property is free from any encumbrances and can be sold unconditionally.

No Objection Certificates (NOCs): Various NOCs may be required from different authorities when selling a property. For example, if the property is part of a housing society, a NOC from the society would be required. Other NOCs may include those from the electricity department, water department, and the local municipal authority.

Legal Expert Consultation: It’s advisable to consult with a legal expert or a real estate attorney to ensure all your documents are in order. They can help you understand the legalities involved in the selling process, review your documents, and guide you through the process.

Having all the necessary documents ready can speed up the selling process, avoid legal complications, and provide the buyer with the assurance they need to proceed with the purchase. It’s always a good idea to seek professional advice when selling a property.

Market Timing:

Understanding the right time to sell your property can significantly impact the success of the sale. Here are some key factors to consider:

Economic Indicators: Broader economic indicators can impact the real estate market. For example, low-interest rates can lead to increased borrowing, thereby increasing the number of potential buyers. Similarly, the overall health of the economy can influence buyer confidence.

Local Market Conditions: Local factors such as the job market, new businesses moving to the area, or housing supply not keeping up with demand can create a seller’s market, making it a good time to sell.

Flexibility in Timing: While timing the market can potentially help you achieve a higher sale price, it’s important not to let market timing be the sole determinant of when to sell. Personal factors such as your financial situation, your next housing plan, and your readiness to sell are equally, if not more, important.

While understanding market trends can help, the best time to sell is ultimately determined by your personal circumstances and needs. The more you understand about the real estate market, the better equipped you’ll be to make informed decisions about when to sell your property. It’s always a good idea to consult with a real estate professional to guide you through this process.

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